Guitar Hero 5 Cheat - Xbox 360

Cheat, nheyo, uye zvakavanzika zveGuitar Hero 5 pane Xbox 360

Cheats inotevera inowanika Guitar Hero 5 pane Xbox 360 video game console. Cheats for Guitar Hero 5 vakapinda mukati memutambo wemutambo wemutambo uchishandisa mutungamiriri . Mune ma code pasi apa mabhii anomiririra mavara avo; Dzvuku, Bhuruu, Gorosi, uye Yvuku.

Cheat Codes

Zvishandiso Zvemhepo
Cheat code: R, R, B, Y, G, G, Y, G.

Zvose HOPO
Cheat code: G, G, B, G, G, G, Y, G.

Nguva dzose Slide
Cheat code: G, G, R, R, Y, B, Y, B.

Cheat code: Y, G, R, B, B, B, B, R.

Kutsvaga Mubatsiri 1
Cheat code: G, G, R, R, Y, R, Y, B.

Focus Mode
Cheat code: Y, G, R, G, Y, B, G, G.

HUD Free Mode
Cheat code: G, R, G, G, Y, G, G, G.

Invisible Characters
Cheat code: G, R, Y, Y, Y, B, B, G.

Performance Mode
Cheat code: Y, Y, B, R, B, G, R, R.

Svinura All Characters
Cheat code: B, B, G, G, R, G, R, Y.

Zivhura Zvose Rwiyo (Quickplay)
Cheat code: B, B, R, G, G, B, B, Y.

Guitar Hero 5 Achibudirira

Izvi zvinotevera zvinowanikwa kuGuitar Hero 5 pane Xbox 360 video game console. Kuti uzarure hubudiriro uye uwane gamerscore points inosanganiswa nayo ingopedzisa basa rinoratidzwa kubva pane zvakanyorwa pasi apa.

Above Uye Beyond (10 GS points).
Ziva rwiyo rwuri nehuwandu hwevakawanda huwandu kupfuura 4x.

Yose Bass ina Inowanesu (10 GS points).
Tamba rwiyo na 4 Bass Guitarists.

Barbershop (10 GS points).
Tamba rwiyo rune 4 Vocalists.

Bhokisi Rakaisa (20 GS points).
Dzoza 100 nziyo mu Quickplay.

Dambudziko re Supergroup (20 GS nhope).
Yakazara 5 band zvinetso paGold kana zviri nani.

Chanteuse (10 GS points).
5 Nyeredzi 'Ex-Girlfriend', 'Tumira A Little Love Chiratidzo' uye 'Inofara Kana Inokura' seVocalist.

Crank It Up To 11 (20 GS points).
Kuzadza maxed out band kuwedzera sebandanho.

Boka Rinofadza (5 GS points).
Dzadza Dombo reMeder yako yose.

Wakapedza Sezvatakaita Here? (5 GS points).
Akauya ari mupenyu.

Drumline (10 GS points).
Tamba rwiyo na 4 Drummers.

Ongorora Studio Studio (10 GS points).
Verenga 5 Tooltips muGHMix.

Fest Quartet Quest (20 GS points).
Tamba 10 4-Player RockFest Mode mitambo yemhando ipi zvayo.

Going Diamond (50 GS points).
Kuzadza 50 yematambudziko paDondond.

Kuenda kuGolide (20 GS points).
Kuzadza 50 yezvinetso paGold kana zviri nani.

Kuenda Platinum (30 GS points).
Kuzadza makumi mashanu ezvinetso paPlatinum kana zviri nani.

Makomba emidziyo (20 GS nhope).
Pedzisa mutsara we 25-streak seVocalist.

Juke Box (30 GS points).
Zvose zvizere 300 nziyo mu Quickplay.

Meinage Hu Huit (20 GS nhope).
Tamba mutsara wekutsvaga mumutambo nevatambi 8, zvose pane chimwe chinhu.

Kwete Zvikanganiso Zvabvumirwa (20 GS points).
Dzoka nezvose zvenziyo rwiyo mu Quickplay kana Career.

Vhura Mafungiro (50 GS points).
Ipa mumwe nomumwe mukana.

Simba redu rakabatanidzwa (10 GS nhope).
Sezvo 4 mutambi standard standard, vatambi vose 4 vanoshandisa Star Power panguva imwe chete.

Kubuda (10 GS points).
Zvose 25 Pro Face Kusiya mitsamba paIndaneti (Gadzira kana Kurasika).

Kunopfuura 9000! (5 GS points).

Tora Izvo Kufupa (20 GS points).
Ita uye upedze setlist iyo inenge 1 awa yakareba.

Mhizha (10 GS points).
Ita rwiyo rwemhanzi studio.

Kutyisidzira kane (30 GS points).
Pedzisa chimwe chinhu chinetso chechiridzwa chega chega kuGold level kana kuti nani.

Representative (5 GS points).
Ziva gwaro rinotsigira gig dambudziko paDamond level.

Kukwidza Nyeredzi (20 GS points).
Chengetedza 101 Nyeredzi mu Career.

Rocktopus (20 GS points).
Ita mufananidzi 8 mutambi Band V bandanidza mutsara, ita kana kurasikirwa.

Sampler Plate (30 GS points).
Tora rwiyo rumwe chete mu Quickplay, Career uye imwe yeGurisi yemutambo.

Score Big (5 GS points).
Ziva 500,000 pfungwa munziyo imwechete se solo solo.

Chikoro chikuru (10 GS points).
Gamuchira zviuru zvuru 000 000 munziyo imwe chete sechimiro chebasa kana band.

Chikamu chikuru (30 GS points).
Gamuchira 3,000,000 pfungwa munziyo imwechete seboka.

Mukuru Mukuru (10 GS points).
Gamuchira 5 kana kupfuura Nyenyeredzi pane rwiyo mu Career kana Quickplay.

Shooting Star (30 GS points).
Chengetedza 303 Nyeredzi mu Career.

Special Guest (10 GS points).
Pedzisa rwiyo ne Xbox 360 Avatar yako.

Nyeredzi Cluster (100 GS points).
Unganidza 808 Nyeredzi muKubata.

Starstruck (20 GS points).
Aive nebharosi neyekudada.

String Quartet (10 GS points).
Tamba rwiyo rune 4 Lead Guitarists.

Super Star (50 GS points).
Chengetedza 505 Nyeredzi mu Career.

Yakabvumirana (10 GS nhope).
Zvose 20 Band Moments.

The Fabricated Four (10 GS points).
Gadzira boka re 4 rakagadzirwa nematombo uye tamba rwiyo navo.

The Grand Tour (30 GS points).
Zivhura nzvimbo dzose munyika, uyezve vamwe.

The Streak (30 GS points).
Zadzai 1001 nheyo yezvinyorwa.

Yechechi (50 GS nhope).
Iroya mutambo.

Chii chinonzi LP? (20 GS points).
Pedzisa 14 nziyo mu Quickplay.

Chii Chitsva? (5 GS points).
Pedzisa chidzidzo chipi zvacho chekudzidzisa pane chimwe chinhu chitsva.

Unoda Zvakawanda Here? (10 GS points).
Tambai 5zve gigs.

Young Star (10 GS points).
Unganidza 25 Nyeredzi mu Career.

Iva nechokwadi chekutarisa nheyo dzekubiridzira dzeGuitar hero 2 uye Guitar Hero 3 pane Xbox.