Oblivion Cheats - Arrow Codes

Arrow nheyo dzeVakuru Mipumburu IV: Kubvuma paPC

Mukuru Mipumburu IV: Kuziva ndekuita basa-kutamba video yemutambo mutsara neBethesda Game Studios yePC uye yakafuridzira maitiro akawanda ekubiridzira, mazano, zvakavanzika, uye mazano. Cherechedza: iyi inongoratidzwa peji ye peji reOlionon PC Cheats .

Zvinyorwa pano uye pamapeji anotevera ndezvokupa chinhu chemiseve mazano ekushandisa pamwe ne player.additem cheat code.

Arrow Codes

Mutsara weBlizzards - 0004BF0B
Arrow of Brilliance - 00008A4D
Muroti Wokutsva - 0004BEFB
Arrow of Cleaninging - 000CD53F
Arrow of Cold - 0004BF02
Mutsara weCowardice - 0003DFDB
Mutsara weChirano - 0003BF67
Arrow of Dispel - 0004BF11
Arrow of Drain Magicka - 0004BF00
Arrow of Embers - 0004BF10
Arrow of Extrication - 00022DB5
Arrow of Fatigue - 0003DFD6
Arrow of Fear - 0003DFD8
Arrow of Fire - 0004BF07
Arrow of Flames - 0004BF04
Arrow of Freezing - 0004BF05
Arrow of Frost - 0004BEF9
Arrow of Harm - 0003DFD7
Arrow of Hexing - 00159676
Arrow of Illumination - 00008A4C
Arrow of Immolation - 000CD542
Arrow yaJinxing - 0004BEFF
Arrow of Jolts - 0004BEFD
Arrow of Light - 00008A4F
Arrow of Lightning - 0004BF0C
Arrow of Misery - 0003DFD9
Arrow of Numbing - 0004BEFC
Arrow of Qualms - 0003DFDA
Arrow of Savage Frost - 000CD540
Arrow of Scorching - 0004BF01
Arrow of Shocking - 0004BF03
Arrow of Silence - 0003DFDC
Arrow of Sparks - 0004BEFA
Arrow of Stillness - 0003DFDD
Arrow of Storm Strike - 000CD543
Arrow of Storms - 0004BF0F
Arrow of Sunlight - 0000BAD9
Arrow of the Blaze - 0004BF0A
Mutsara weDynamo - 0004BF09
Arrow of the Glacier - 0004BF08
Arrow of the Inferno - 0004BF0D
Mutsara weNorth Winds - 000CD545
Arrow of Voltage - 0004BF06
Arrow of Winter - 0004BF0E
Arrow of Withering - 0003CB6C
Daedric Arrow - 0001EFD3
Dremora Bhedhi-Arrow - 000872A7
Dremora Inopfuurira Mbiru - 000872A6
Dremora Munda Wakakosha - 000872A5
Dwarven Arrow - 00022BE2
Ebony Arrow - 0001EFD5
Elven Arrow - 000229C0
Flare Arrow - 00008A4E
Glass Arrow - 00022BE1
Ruvengo Mweya Wakakosha - 00014EB3
Iron Arrow - 00017829
Magebane Arrow - 000CD544
Rose weSithisi - 0003266D
Sirivha Arrow - 0001EFD4
Steel Arrow - 000229C1
Dutu reArrow - 000CD541