Oblivion Cheats - Rings Amulets uye Zvokudya Mapeji

Zvipfeko, zvipfeko, uye amulet zvinyorwa zveVakuru Mipumburu IV: Kubvuma paPC

Vakuru Mipumburu IV: Kuvhiringidza chikamu chechina muVakuru Mipumburu yemavhidhiyo mutsara weBethesda. Pasi pane nhoroondo yedu yeAvlivion Clothing, uye Amulet Codes dzePC version yemutambo. Cherechedza: iyi ndiyo peji yefodhi yePamusoro yeBhilicon PC Cheats iyo unogona kuwana dzimwe cheats, mazano, uye nheyo dzemutambo.

Oblivion Clothing, Rings, uye Amulet Makomiti

Zvinyorwa pano uye pamapeji anotevera ndezvokupa mhando dzedhi (yezvokupfeka, zvindori, uye zvinyunyuti) zvekushandisa pamwe nemutambo.additem cheat code.

Acrobatics Pants - 00048981
Acrobat's Amulet - 00098457
Aegis Robe - 0000552C
Ring of Ahdarji - 00035E95
Amulet of Absorption - 0009843E
Amulet of Axes - 00098453
Amulet of Illusion - 00092AC6
Amulet yekubvunzurudzwa - 000C04D6
Amulet yemadzimambo - 000250A0
Amulet yeLuck - 00091AD5
Amulet of Reflection - 0009845B
Amulet yeAnsei - 00187BBF
Ring of Ancotar of Protection - 00030135
Apron yaAdroitness - 00094ECB
Apron yeTenzi Mudzidzisi - 000CA122
Aqua Silk Hood - 00071022
Aqua Silk Robes - 00071021
Arch-Mage's Hood - 00064FE0
Robe yeArch-Mage - 00064FDF
Arnora's Amulet - 00093551
Arnora's Amulet Yechokwadi - 00053787
Mushonga weAstia - 000CBD53
Base Amulet Yokubvisa - 0009843D
Base Amulet of Illusion - 00092AC5
Yakadzi Amulet yeRuck - 00091AD4
Base Amulet yekufungisisa - 000937FA
Necklace yeBatrice yaMercantile - 00092AAD
Mhemberero yeBato yeMunhu - 00091AD1
Mhemberero Yakadzika yeGungwa Dzakatenderera - 00098443
Base Necklace ye Speechcraft - 00092AB6
Mhemberero Yakatangira Yegungwa - 00098440
Base Ring of Acrobatics - 00091C3C
Base Ring yeAegis - 00098437
Base Ring of Agility - 00091AC8
Base Ring of Alchemy - 00092AB9
Gedhi reKasi rekuchinja - 00092ABC
Base Ring of Athletics - 00091C2A
Base Ring of Blades - 00091C2D
Base Ring of Block - 00091C30
Base Ring of Blunt Force - 00091C33
Base Ring of Brawling - 00091C36
Ring Ring of Conjuration - 00092ABF
Base Ring of Destruction - 0009DED3
Bhandi Yenheyo Yokutsva Upenyu - 00091AB6
Gwaro Rokutanga Rokutsungirira - 00091ACE
Base Ring of Feather - 00091AB9
Gwaro reKing of Fire Shield - 00091ABD
Base Ring of Firewalking - 00098419
Ring Yenyika Yakasimba - 0009845D
Bhandi Yenheyo Yerusununguko - 00098425
Base Ring of Frost Shield - 000937EF
Base Ring yeZvipatano - 00091C21
Bhandi Yesirivha yeIndege - 00091C39
Base Ring of Intelligence - 00091AC2
Base Ring of Light - 000937F2
Base Ring of Light Nhumbi - 00091C3F
Base Ring of Magicka - 00091C24
Base Ring of Mysticism - 00092AC8
Base Ring of Nyeyeye - 000937F5
Base Ring of Nihilism - 0009841F
Base Ring of Restoration - 00092ACB
Base Ring of Retribution - 00091AAF
Base Ring of Security - 00092AB0
Base Ring of Shadows - 00091AAE
Base Ring of Shock Shield - 0009843A
Base Ring of Sneak - 00092AB3
Base Ring of Speed ​​- 00091ACB
Base Ring of Steelskin - 00098422
Base Ring of Storms - 0009842B
Base Ring of Strength - 00091ABF
Base Ring of the Archer - 00092AAA
Base Ring of the Armorer - 00091C27
Base Ring yeNorth - 0009841C
Base Ring of the Viper - 00098428
Base Ring of Vigor - 00091AD7
Base Ring of Willpower - 00091AC5
Shati yekumborera - 00064F7E
Akashongedzwa Braies - 0002B90B
Bheri Vest - 0002B90C
Black & Burgundy Chikamu - 0001C887
Black Band - 0002FF34
Black Hand Hood - 000651D3
Black Dress Robe - 000651D2
Black Hood - 00064FE3
Black Robe - 00064FE2
Black Wide Pants - 00064F7B
Ringhe Blackheart - 0002C633
Mupfeki wepamberi - 000229A6
Bhandi Wemhizha - 000229A7
Blackwood Ring of Silence - 00098175
Bhuruu neGreen Zvokudya - 0001C884
Blue Collar Shirt - 0000C59E
Blue Silk Shirt - 00064FE5
Blue Silks - 00064FE4
Blue Suede Shoes - 0002319E
Blue Velvet Outfit - 0002319D
Boots of Springheel Jak - 000148D4
Yakabatwa Chikanda Sandals - 0002B90D
Brass Pearl Ring - 00038017
Brass Ring - 00038011
Brass Topaz Ring - 00038018
Breeches - 00028587
Bronze Amulet - 0003802D
Bronze Mhete - 00038027
Brown Shirt - 000229AD
Buckled Shoes - 00028733
Burgundy Linen Shirt - 00000B86
Burgundy Linens - 0001047C
Burlap Vest - 0002C0F8
Chameleon Robe - 0000844D
Vana Vanopfuura Zviuru - 000CAAA1
Circlet of Omnipotence - 00088FED
Zvikwata - 0002858E
Coarse Linen Shirt - 0001C82E
Coarse Linens - 0001C82C
Collared Shirt - 00028732
Colovian Signet Ring - 00032DA0
Copper Amulet - 0003802E
Mhangura Mhangura - 00038028
Copper Pearl Ring - 00038019
Copper Ring - 00038012
Copper Ruby Ring - 0003801B
Copper Topaz Ring - 0003801A
Muongorori weHurumende - 000CA12C
Cowl yeDruid - 000CA121
Mhirizhonga Mwoyo - 000347E3
Dark Green Shirt - 000229AA
Dark Shirt - 00064F7D
Iskin Shoes - 0001C883
Draconian Madstone - 0007304D
Draconian Madstone - 0001C172
Dreamworld Amulet - 00089008
Dreamworld Amulet - 0002CDC6
Ebony Diamond Ring - 00038026
Ebony Emerald Ring - 00038025
Ebony Ring - 00038016
Elemental Ring - 00098450
Rosa waMambo - 00023D33
Robe Emambo - 0000BC2D
Emperor's Shoes - 00023D53
Ernest's Best Shirt - 00064F76
Ernest's Fancy Pants - 000CBD37
Ernest's Shoes - 000CBD39
Ziso reSithisi - 00082DE0
Feather Shoes - 00048991
Kuvhima Waders - 0002ECAC
Flame Ring - 0009844C
Flax Tunic - 0002C0FA
Shongwe yeTear - 00064F79
Simbisa Kutya Kwembiru - 00048992
Simbisa Magicka Pants - 0000552D
Frost Ring - 0009844D
Gold Amulet - 00038031
Gold Diamond Ring - 00038024
Gold Emerald Ring - 00038023
Mhangura Yegoridhe - 0003802B
Ndarama Ring - 00038015
Ndarama Sapphire Ring - 00038022
Ndarama Yakanatswa Shoes - 0001C888
Grand Amulet Yokubvuma - 0009843F
Grand Amulet of Illusion - 00092AC7
Grand Amulet yeLuck - 00091AD6
Grand Amulet yekufungisisa - 0009845C
Grand Necklace ye Mercantile - 00092AAF
Muchero Mukuru weMunhu - 00091AD3
Mureza Mukuru weGungwa-00098445
Mukuru Necklace ye Speechcraft - 00092AB8
Mureza Mukuru weGungwa - 00098441
Gomba Guru reAcrobatics - 00091C3E
Gomba Guru reAegis - 00098439
Guru Guru reAgility - 00091ACA
Gomba Guru reAlchemy - 00092ABB
Gomba Guru rekuchinja - 00092ABE
Guru Ring of Athletics - 00091C2C
Guru Ring of Blades - 00091C2F
Grand Ring of Block - 00091C32
Grand Ring of Blunt Force - 00091C35
Nheyo Yenjere Yokugunun'una - 00091C38
Gomba Guru Rokuparadzwa - 00092AC1
Gomba Guru rokuparadza - 00092AC4
Gomba Guru rekuona Upenyu - 00091AB8
Gomba Guru Rokutsungirira - 00091AD0
Nhomba Yenheyo - 00091ABB
Gomba Guru reMoto Rinodzivirira - 00091ABE
Gomba Guru reMoto - 0009841B
Gomba Guru Rokugara - 00098418
Gomba Guru Rerusununguko - 00098427
Gomba Guru reFrost Shield - 000937F1
Guru Guru Routano - 00091C23
Nheyo Yenhumbi Dzakasimba - 00091C3B
Guru Ring Rokuchenjera - 00091AC4
Gomba Guru reChiedza - 000937F4
Nhomba huru yeChiedza Nhamba - 00091C41
Grand Ring of Magicka - 00091C26
Gomba Guru reMangariro - 00092ACA
Gomba Rukuru Yezvakanaka - 000937F7
Gomba Guru reNihilism - 00098421
Gomba Guru rekudzorera - 00092ACD
Guru Rokudzorera Rufu - 000937F9
Guru Guru Rokuchengetedza - 00092AB2
Gomba Guru reShadhi - 00091AB2
Guru Guru reShock Shield - 0009843C
Gomba Guru reSneak - 00092AB5
Gomba Rokukurumidza - 00091ACD
Gomba Guru reSteelskin - 00098424
Gomba Guru reDutu - 0009842D
Guru Guru reSimba - 00091AC1
Gomba Guru reMupfu - 00092AAC
Gomba Guru reMhare - 00091C29
Gomba Guru reNorth - 0009841E
Guru Ring of the Viper - 0009842A
Gomba Guru reVigor - 00091AD9
Guru Guru Rokuda - 00091AC7
Grey Cow of Nocturnal - 00022E81
Greater Amulet yeMubvunzurudzo - 000C04D7
Green Brocade Doublet - 000229B0
Green Felt Linens - 00028731
Green Robe - 0007101B
Green Robe Hood - 0007101C
Green Silk Garment - 000229B1
Green Velvet Shoes - 000229B2
Green Wool Shirt - 0002ECB0
Grey Robe - 0012DD1E
Grey Robe Hood - 0012DD1F
Heinrich's Pants - 000CBD3D
Heinrich's Shirt - 000CBD3F
Heinrich's Shoes - 000CBD47
Highwayman's Shirt - 00064FE6
Hood yeMudzidzi - 0006A82D
Huntsman Leather Pants - 00000857
Huntsman Moccasin - 0001C82B
Huntsman Vest - 00000883
Imperial Breeches - 000CA125
Indarys Signet Ring - 000335A8
Jade Amulet - 00189CFE
Jade Amulet - 0003802F
Jade Necklace - 00038029
Jade Ring - 00038013
Jade Ruby Ring - 0003801D
Jade Sapphire Ring - 0003801E
Jade Topaz Ring Ring - 0003801C
Jewel of the Rumare - 000856EF
Jeweled Amulet - 00038032
Chengetani Yese - 0003802C
King of Worms 'Hood - 001885CC
King of Worms 'Robes - 001885CA
Knights of the Thorn Medallion - 000335A9
Ring Kyyria Lonavo - 00189181
Laced Leather Pants - 000229AB
Chidiki Chinyorwa Chekuongororwa - 000C04D5
Mucheka Mutsara Muduku - 00048990
Chiedza Chiedza Vest - 00048982
Chiedza Brown Linens - 000229AE
Mage's Hood - 00064FE1
Mage Robe - 00064F7F
Manduin's Amulet - 000347C8
Mankar Camoran's Robe - 000BE31F
Mantle weWoldsman - 000CA129
Marksman Quilted Doublet - 00048983
Mercantile Black Outfit - 00048984
Mind and Body Ring - 000366C1
Monk Robe - 0001E7FF
Mundane Amulet - 00038B07
Mundane Ring - 0009844B
Davi Rakavanzika Hood - 0008D755
Rwiyo Rwenhema Rwenhema - 00024DE2
Mureza we Mercantile - 00092AAE
Mureza weunhu - 00091AD2
Ngetani Yekufamba Nechikepe - 00098444
Necklace ye Speechcraft - 00092AB7
Mureza weMapakatwa - 00098452
Mureza weGungwa - 00098442
Necromancer's Amulet - 0007BE2B
Necromancer's Hood - 001885CB
Nguvo dzeNecromancer - 001885C9
Nistor's Boots - 000CA12B
Oiled Linen Shoes - 0001C82F
Olive Vest - 0002C0F4
Pants - 00000015
Patched Vest - 0002ECAD
Phylactery yeLitheness - 000385A0
Pigskin Shoes - 000229AF
Pinarus 'Shirt - 000CBD51
Tsvapa Shirt - 00064F78
Quilted Doublet - 0001C831
Quilted Shoes - 0001C886
Red Silk Hood - 00071020
Red Silk Robes - 0007101F
Red Velvet Blouse - 00003A94
Vhete yeVelvet Vhudzi - 00003A93
Red Velvet Outfit - 000A498E
Ramba Cold Pants - 0000844E
Ramba Zvirwere Burgundy Linen Shirt - 00048989
Rambai Moto Burgundy Linens - 0004898A
Ramba Zvombo Zvakanaka Quilted Doublet - 0004898B
Ramba Uturu hweBlue & Green Outfit - 0004898C
Ring of Acrobatics - 00091C3D
Ring of Aegis - 00098438
Ring of Agility - 00091AC9
Ring of Alchemy - 00092ABA
Ring of Change - 00092ABD
Ring of Athletics - 00091C2B
Ring of Blades - 00091C2E
Ring of Block - 00091C31
Ring of Blunt Force - 00091C34
Ring of Brawling - 00091C37
Ring of Burden - 0002E5AC
Ring of Conjuration - 00092AC0
Ring of Destruction - 00092AC3
Ring of Detect Upenyu - 00091AB7
Ring of Eidolon's Edge - 0004F9E5
Ring of Endurance - 00091ACF
Ring of Feather - 00091
Ring of Fire Chidziro - 00091ABC
Ring of Firewalking - 0009841A
Ring of Fortitude - 00098417
Ring of Freedom - 00098426
Ring of Frost Shield - 000937F0
Ring of Health - 00091C22
Ring of Heavy Armor - 00091C3A
Ring of Intelligence - 00091AC3
Ring of Khajiiti - 00027110
Ring of Light - 000937F3
Ring of Light Zvombo - 00091C40
Ring of Magicka - 00091C25
Ring of Mysticism - 00092AC9
Ring of Namira - 0001C10A
Ring of Nyeyeye - 000937F6
Ring of Nihilism - 00098420
Ring of Perfection - 00098446
Ring of Restoration - 00092ACC
Ring of Retribution - 000937F8
Ring of Security - 00092AB1
Ring of Shadows - 00091AB1
Ring of Shock Shield - 0009843B
Ring of Skimming - 00098456
Ring of Sneak - 00092AB4
Ring of Speed ​​- 00091ACC
Ring of Stamina - 00098447
Ring of Steelskin - 00098423
Ring of Storms - 0009842C
Ring of Strength - 00091AC0
Ring of Sunfire - 0001E0FA
Ring of the Archer - 00092AAB
Ring of the Armorer - 00091C28
Ring of the Grey - 0000CCC8
Ring of the Iron Fist - 00098458
Ring of the North - 0009841D
Ring of the Viper - 00098429
Ring of the Vipereye - 0001C4DA
Ring of Thieves - 00098455
Ring of Transmutation - 000CA126
Ring of Treachery - 00098449
Ring of Vigor - 00091AD8
Ring of Vitality - 0009844F
Ring of War - 00098448
Ring of Willpower - 00091AC6
Ring of Wizardry - 0009844A
Ring of Wortcraft - 000CA128
Robe yeKusikidzana - 000CA127
Robe yekudzivirira - 00005529
Chirafu Chokunatswa - 00005519
Robe yeGrib Mitauro - 000478A5
Robe yekudzivirira - 00005527
Robe yeMudzidzi - 000C8536
Robe yeConjurer - 000748AB
Robe yeWarding - 0000551C
Rough Leather Shoes - 000229A8
Bhuku Rakatinhira - 00064F7A
Russet Felt Chikamu - 000352BA
Russet Felt Shirt yeBlade Turning - 0000844C
Russet Felt Shoes - 000352BB
Sack Cloth Pants - 00027318
Sack Cloth Sandals - 0002731A
Sack Cloth Shirt - 00027319
Chengetedzo Russet Felt Shirt - 00048985
Shongwe Ring - 0007B7A6
Shirt - 00000017
Shirt Shirt with Suspenders - 00064F77
Shoes - 00000016
Shop Keep Shirt - 000CBD33
Muchidimbu Britche - 00064F7C
Sirivha Amulet - 00038030
Sirivha Emerald Ring - 00038021
Sirivha Mutsipa - 0003802A
Sirivha Ring - 0003801F
Svondo Ruby Ring - 00038014
Sirivha Sapphire Ring - 00038020
Sneak Blue Suede Shoes - 00048986
Ring Rokuseka - 00098454
Specter Ring - 000CA12A
Speechcraft Green Brocade Doublet - 00048987
Spelldrinker Amulet - 00095A71
Yakagadzirwa Green Shirt - 0002C0F6
Yakagadzirwa neBlack Shoes - 000229AC
Storm Ring - 0009844E
Tan Linens - 0001C830
Tan Robe - 00071019
Tan Robe Hood - 0007101A
Pants Tattered - 0003EAAB
Tattered Robe - 0007101D
Roti Yakasvibiswa Hood - 0007101E
Tread Shirt - 0003EAAC
Mudadi Wezvokudya - 000348A5
Mhando Yakadzika Zvokudya - 00000BEA
Ulfgar Family Ring - 0001ECE4
Chidzitiro chemuoni - 000CA124
Vest yeBard - 000CA123
Vest Warding - 00005530
Waterwalking Gold Trimmed Shoes - 0004898F
Weatherward Circlet - 0006BD75
Wedding Ring - 00022E6D
Mhembera Muchena - 000A498F
White Mage's Shoes - 000A4990
White Monk Robe - 00071047
Woni Wamaoko - 000BE335

Tsvaga Mamwe Cheat Zvinyorwa uye Mazano

Oblivion Arrow Codes

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Iva nechokwadi chekutarisa cheat code yedu index kuti uwane mazano uye kubiridzira makadhi kumitambo yako yese yevhidhiyo.